
Integration of Java hyperbolic tree geometry visualization developed at https://hypergraph.sourceforge.net/ in a Drupal module.
Don't get scared by the words and play with the demo (hold the left mouse button to pan the graph!) Hypergraph is not only beautiful, but also conceptually a very clever beast; enormously useful for site navigation. This module aims to make full use the Hypergraph capabilities and provide visualization of menus, taxonomies, and content in general. In the current version, the Hypergraph module simply takes the menu tree of your choice and turns it into its visual equivalent.
- Configurable applet size.
- Configurable centre of display.
- Has both a default page (at /hypergraph) and a block, for straightforward use, but any visualization can be entered into any page or custom block using a special tag.
- Depth-dependent label colouring.
- Possibility to choose from database (default) or file system caching (very fast!) (automatic removal of expired items implemented). Full tag syntax (for placing hypergraph visualizations in enabled content types): [hg|reserved|width|height|centernode]
Planned features#
- Adding a hook to allow other modules use Hypergraph (e.g. to display network of users, transactions, logs, etc.)
- User friendlier configuration of the menu tree parent.
- Label, link, background colour/design configuration.
- Adding Freemind and other visualization metaphors into this module - 'hypergraph' will then basically mean any graphical representation of a complex information network.
- Other ideas? Submit a feature request.
Step-by-step installation#
- Default width of the hyper graph.
- Default height of the hyper graph
- Download the latest version of the Hypergraph module from its Drupal home here.
- Enable the module in your Drupal ( /admin/build/modules ).
- Go to Input Formats in your Drupal ( /admin/settings/filters ) and via the "configure" link enable one of your input formats to recognize the Hypergraph Tag.
- Choose who can access to Hypergraph in ( /admin/user/access ).
- Change the default settings for Hypergraph in the admin section of your Drupal ( /admin/settings/hypergraph ).
There are several ways in which you can display your visualization.
• Anywhere in a node, using a special tag in the format [hg|reserved|width|height|centernode
]. The visualization on this page is generated using: [hg||600|400
• You can add another visualization on the same page, if you wish (except that the rendering might rather slow your page loading, of course).
• As a default block (only settings set forth in /admin/settings/hypergraph apply).
• As a custom block. Just create a block with a Hypergraph Tag in it.
All comments and patches providing or leading to improvements are most welcome here!
Known bugs#
• N/A
ParentsSiblings- Gatsby & Drupal: In Quest of an Ideal Coupling
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