Challenge Over Therapy

Barcelona in early March is a little secret of the time-travellers. If you can brave the icy wind to board a plane at your local airport, you will step out in the middle of a warm spring. Gentle sun on your face, the air rich with fresh blooms, lively chatter from outdoor cafés.

But I did not arrive to sit musing on a bench. I was on a mission. Soon after I stretched my limbs from the shackles of the budget airline I went for a run along the seafront. Because on Sunday 16. March I was to meet my challenge, the city's annual marathon.

Tomáš Fülöpp
Barcelona, Spain
March 14, 2025 ~ March 17, 2025
Tomáš Fülöpp (2012)

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LanguageENGLISH Content typeARTICLELast updateOCTOBER 20, 2018 AT 01:46:40 UTC