Granville Bicycle Stolen in Lakenstraat, Brussels

Granville Pulse Synergy 29" stolen May 11, 2015 in Lakenstraat, BrusselsGranville Pulse Synergy 29" stolen May 11, 2015 in Lakenstraat, Brussels

A brazen thief stole my bicycle right in front of my eyes at Lakenstraat 56 in Brussels at 13:35 today, 11. May 2015. I was just metres away and gave a chase but the thief (all I know it was a young adult male) was unfortunately able to quickly gain speed and flee via Zwaluwenstraat / Rue des Hirondelles to the Brouckere, and then disappear in the southern direction.

Thanks to really very helpful police, in a matter of minutes I was combing the streets in a police van — but after half an hour of speeding in the opposite lanes we had to admit it was pointless.

It's a black mountainbike Granville Pulse Synergy 29" — see the image attached.

If you see anybody driving or trying to sell this or suspiciously similar bike, please alert any member of the police force (PV reference: BR18LL050286-15) and/or contact me.

Valid information leading to the thief or the bicycle will be financially rewarded.

Tomáš Fülöpp
Brussel, Belgium
May 11, 2015
Tomáš Fülöpp (2012)

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LanguageENGLISH Content typeARTICLELast updateOCTOBER 20, 2018 AT 01:46:40 UTC