Rush Hour at the Trollstigen Road

A short hyperlapse video of the Trollstigen traffic

Hands slippery with cold sweat squeezing the steering wheel, eyes widened with fear, heart knelling in a cacophony that would give an infarction even to your cardiologist...

The hair-rising bends and above all, the trolls!

Well, not quite :-)

Yet the Trollstigen — meaning "Troll Path" in Norwegian — is still a pretty nerve-wrecking serpentine road in Western Norway. Especially when the slow-moving columns of nervous vacation drivers get seasoned with a few long coaches.

Here's a short hyperlapse video taken from a viewing platform hanging cosily some 200 metres above the road.

Tomáš Fülöpp
Åndalsnes, Norway
July 10, 2022
Tomáš Fülöpp (2012)

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LanguageENGLISH Content typeARTICLELast updateOCTOBER 20, 2018 AT 01:46:40 UTC