
Webmention is a W3C standard protocol that enables one website address (URL) to notify another website address that the former contains a reference to the latter. It also allows the latter to verify the authenticity of the reference and include its own corresponding reference in a reciprocal way.
A Webmention is simply an @mention that works from one website to another! But user behaviors with Webmentions are a little different than they are with @mentions on Twitter and the like in that they work between websites in addition to within a particular website. They enable authors (of both the original content and the responses) to own the content, allowing them to keep a record on the web page where it originated, whether that’s a website they own or the third-party platform from which they chose to send it.
Vacilando.org also proudly supports Webmentions.
Related linksCollection links- Webmention.io
- Bridgy
- Webmention
- as days pass by
- #experiment+in+implementing+a+marginalia
- Webmention
- Webmentions: Enabling Better Communication on the Internet
- Embracing the IndieWeb
- gatsby-plugin-webmention
- Getting started with Webmentions in Gatsby