- 'Ethical' stem cell crop boosted
- Genome editing
- 'Better' DNA out of fossil bones
- Scientists get 'gene editing' go-ahead
- Extinct cave bear DNA sequenced
- Extinct mammoth DNA decoded
- Concern over human cloning claims
- Dolly expert is to clone embryos
- Cloned cattle food safe to eat, say scientists
- Clone 'would feel individuality'
- Ancestor's DNA code reconstructed
- Human cells grown in monkey embryos spark ethical debate
- May Prehistory Thunder Forward: the Resurrection of the Woolly Mammoth
- Nature and Wildlife: Could woolly mammoths come back from extinction?
- First monkey clones created in Chinese laboratory
- Pet cloning is getting more popular despite the cost
- Tasmanian tiger: Scientists hope to revive marsupial from extinction
- Statue of Henrietta Lacks to replace Robert E Lee
- How extinct animals could be brought back from the dead
- China's new human gene-editing rules worry experts
- First synthetic human embryo raises ethical issues
- Scientists grow whole model of human embryo, without sperm or egg
- Cloned rhesus monkey created to speed medical research