The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. It is approximately 3,474 kilometers in diameter and orbits Earth at an average distance of about 384,400 kilometers. The Moon has a significant impact on Earth, influencing tides and stabilizing its axial tilt. Its surface features include maria, highlands, and craters, resulting from impacts and volcanic activity. The Moon has been a focal point for human exploration, with the Apollo missions landing astronauts on its surface between 1969 and 1972.
For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry on the Moon.
Collection linksFor more information, visit the Wikipedia entry on the Moon.
- Great Moon Hoax
- Moon landing conspiracy theories
- Can anyone 'own' the Moon?
- Scientists pore over Cassini data
- Phoebe is 'cosmic time capsule'
- Lost Moon-landing tape found
- Search on for Moon landing film
- Water on the Moon could sustain a lunar base
- China's Chang'e-5 mission returns Moon samples
- Europa Clipper: Nasa's ocean world mission gets launch date
- Japanese billionaire seeks eight people to fly to Moon
- China and Russia to build lunar space station
- Nasa chooses SpaceX to build Moon lander
- Bezos' $2bn offer to get back in race to the Moon
- Moon contract signals new direction for Europe
- China's Moon mission returned youngest ever lavas
- Orion: Nasa's Moon-ship is attached to SLS megarocket
- Nasa's Moon return pushed back to 2025
- The companies offering delivery to the Moon
- YouTube
- Laser Pointer
- To the Moon and beyond
- Saturn overtakes Jupiter as planet with most moons
- The unsung heroes who prevented the Apollo 13 disaster
- Iris: Student-built robot rover on track to explore the Moon
- What if the Moon Crashes into Earth? - Real Physics (Mostly)
- Rocket part on crash course with Moon 'not from Elon Musk's SpaceX'
- Moon crash: Discarded rocket part to hit Moon in hours, say scientists
- Nasa's giant new SLS Moon rocket makes its debut
- Moon soil used to grow plants for first time in breakthrough test
- Artemis: Nasa readies giant Moon rocket for maiden flight
- Artemis: How we get humans back to the Moon
- Apollo Remastered: One man's mission to show us the Moon
- Artemis I: A giant rocket to set new space records
- Nasa's Artemis Moon rocket lifts off Earth
- Artemis: Nasa expects humans to live on Moon this decade
- Nasa's Artemis spacecraft arrives at the Moon
- The NEW SCIENCE of Moon Formation
- How the Moon is making days longer on Earth
- Juice: Jupiter moons mission to assess chance of life
- European Space Agency: Jupiter moons mission set for second launch bid
- iSpace: First private moon landing likely to have failed
- The people replicating Moon dust
- The crazy plan to explode a nuclear bomb on the Moon
- James Webb telescope: Icy moon Enceladus spews massive water plume
- Why Saturn's moons have remained hidden from view
- Chandrayaan-3: India set to launch historic Moon mission
- xkcd: Moon
- Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into Moon
- Chandrayaan-3: The race to unravel the mysteries of Moon's south pole
- Chandrayaan-3: India's Moon lander Vikram aims for historic lunar south pole landing
- Chandrayaan-3: India makes historic landing near Moon's south pole
- Why there's a rush to explore the Moon's enigmatic South Pole
- Moon base: Bangor scientists design fuel to live in space
- What NEW SCIENCE Would We Discover with a Moon Telescope?
- Gaganyaan: India to launch test flight ahead of sending man into space
- Champagne stoppers in space: How cork will protect the next spacecraft to visit the Moon
- The last of the Moon men: the stories of the surviving Apollo astronauts
- Peregrine lander: Private US Moon mission runs into trouble
- Artemis: Nasa delays crewed return to the Moon's surface
- Peregrine lander: US Moon mission on course for fiery destruction
- Japan mission is latest effort to land on the Moon
- Japan lands on Moon but glitch threatens mission
- Stricken Japanese Moon mission landed on its nose
- Moon Race 2.0: Why so many nations and private companies are aiming for lunar landings
- Intuitive Machines: US company makes historic Moon landing
- Moon Landing Mission Profiles
- Why Aren't There Eclipses Every Month?
- White House wants Moon to have its own time zone
- Types of Eclipse Photo