Space Elevator

A space elevator is a proposed structure designed to transport objects from a celestial body's surface into space, utilizing a cable anchored to the ground and extending into orbit. The concept relies on the balance of gravitational and centrifugal forces, allowing vehicles to ascend along the cable. Theoretical designs often involve materials with high tensile strength, such as carbon nanotubes. Space elevators could significantly reduce the cost of accessing space compared to traditional rocket launches. While the technology remains largely theoretical, research continues into materials and engineering challenges.
For more information, visit the Wikipedia entry on Space Elevator.
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Tagsspace elevatorspace travelarthur c. clarkeorbitspace tourismelevatorspace
LanguageENGLISH Content typeCOLLECTIONLast updateOCTOBER 20, 2018 AT 01:46:40 UTC